Sunday, July 29, 2012

Esther a model of intercessory prayer

   Intercession is a form of prayer extremely pleasing to God and has a long tradition from the early stages of the Bible history. The Hebrew word for intercede originally meant "to strike upon", and thus comes to mean 'to assail anyone with petitions. ' When such assailing was done on behalf of others this was called intercession (Cf.Wycliffe Bible Dictonary)

  We know from the Bible the names of a number of intercessors like, Abraham who interceded for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, Moses who prayed for his people on Mount Sinai, Elijah who implored the Lord to turn the peoples' hearts back to worship Him alone (Kg 18: 36-37).
   In the New Testament we see the early Church interceding  for the deliverance of Peter from the prison (Acts 12: 5). Paul always interceded for Christ's Church (2 Cor 13:7) saying, "but we pray to God that you may not do anything wrong (2Cor. 13:9). In several of his letters we read how much he was praying for the Christian communities and for the spread of the Gospel (Eph 2: 17;Col 4:3; 1Thess.3:10). He instructs Timothy about a mode of intercession saying, "First of all, then, I urge That supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions...." (Tim2 :1-4).

Esther as an example of a special type of intercessor

        Esther interceded for her people with all her heart and with all her being. She took all the risk in spite of knowing that she could be put to death by the king in violating the laws. As mentioned earlier, it a big leap she made into the Lion's den to save her people.From her royal status she stooped low to the level of dust in profound humility, to beg for mercy and clemency from the king for her people.

      Esther had that intercessory confidence like that of Mother Mary who intervened at the wedding of Cana.That too was  a risk; if Jesus had rejected it would have been a humiliation for her.

      Esther bore a little resemblance to Christ in her intercession. Jesus Christ also made his life as a sacrifice for the salvation of his people while interceding for the people. Just as Esther depended on her God for help, so too Jesus, depended on his Father to rescue him.

     We too like Esther can do a great deal by interceding for others. God loves a cheerful giver, who gives
time and makes sacrifices to intercede for others.